About StreemView

A Proven Partner

StreemView is a global modern data technology provider with a proven track record of supporting high profile and highly sensitive legal matters.

Founded by Necessity

We are cloud-native disruptors committed to using real-world experience, advanced technology, and common sense to reinvent how modern data and mobile device analysis and investigation solutions are designed, developed, and delivered to our clients. The StreemView platform is purpose-built to align with our clients’ priorities – especially ease-of-use, cost-efficiency, speed, and security.

Security - We Value Your Trust

Highly sensitive data demands a high security environment for our clients. Our purpose-built solutions in Microsoft Azure mean we team with more than 3,500 global cybersecurity experts to safeguard clients’ business assets and data.

Network Trafficking

Networking traffic is encrypted at the service level, as well as in transit and at rest – leveraging highly vetted standards such as AES-256 for all data migrated within the StreemView environment.

Encryption Protection

All keys and certificates are stored within Azure-dedicated services, providing even further encryption protection layers.

Secure Login Solutions

Auth0, our customer identity access platform partner, ensures ISO 27001 and SOC protocols-compliant secure login solutions for all of our clients.

Resiliency and Security

StreemView’s solution environments are in real-time test and oversight mode using machine learning, behavioral analytics, and application-based intelligence to ensure their resiliency and security.

Global Third-Party Security

Additionally, we work with global third-party cyber security firms to assess and ensure our platform meets all relevant global and regional standards.

Meet Our StreemView Partners

StreemView delivers our Mobile Forensics & Investigation Platform directly to clients – and through a network of approved global eDiscovery companies, law firms, and other forensics providers.

Downstreem is a global digital forensics company specializing in mobile devices and complex forensic analysis. With operations available in over 170 countries, Downstreem offers a suite of cutting-edge solutions for remote collections, automated self-collection and forensic analysis, plus a dynamic self-service client portal for tracking activities and cost.

Headquartered in Phoenix, AZ with offices nationwide across the US and in London, UK, Downstreem provides a range of digital forensic services to meet the unique needs of its clients. For more information, visit downstreem.com.

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